Jewellery, traditionally viewed as a quintessentially feminine accessory, is undergoing a transformative shift. Men are not just buying diamond jewellery for the special women in their lives, but increasingly for themselves too. This modern shift is a stylish statement that symbolizes our brand ethos at Valquère - "Statement Made." Let's delve into a bit of historical context.


Royal Masculine Splendour

Men's fascination with ornate accessories and jewels is not a novel concept. Paintings of 16th and 17th-century royalties amply depict men adorned with as much, if not more, jewellery than their female counterparts. In fact, gemstones, including diamonds, were considered a reflection of one's social status and lineage.

The Art of Accessorizing: Diamonds for Men

Valquère recognises the evolution of men's jewellery. No longer confined to a wedding band or a family crest ring, men are buying diamonds for themselves and making splendid style statements. From diamond studs, adding subtle bling to their wedding bands, to bold diamond rings symbolizing wealth and status – the diamond industry has welcomed the masculine touch.

Let's talk accessories. Once a functional item to tie sleeves together, cufflinks have morphed into a signature item in a man's wardrobe.

The Valquère Tale: Handcrafted Luxury

At Valquère, we provide a blend of personal service and high-quality lab-grown diamonds to deliver handcrafted pieces straight from Antwerp, the diamond capital. Choose from our sleek wedding bands or unique cufflink designs, tailored to your taste.

We invite men to indulge in buying diamonds for themselves. Select from our offerings or design your signature piece. Experience a new kind of luxury. Statement Made.
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